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  • 请求方法:GET + POST


参数名称 请求方法 示例值 类型 是否必须 说明
token POST 5c7d0c90cf9e0ce560956179e8e82e7d string(32) 请参考token生成
page GET 1 int 当前页码
limit GET 10 int 每页显示条数


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			"description": "icann认证顶级域名注册商列表。",
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			"4": "免费CSR生成工具,生成CSR工具,在线CSR生产工具,生成ECC CSR工具,ECC证书CSR生成工具,ECC CSR文件生成,Certificate Signing Request Generator tools",
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			"description": "免费CSR生成工具,生成CSR工具,在线CSR生产工具,生成ECC CSR工具,ECC证书CSR生成工具,ECC CSR文件生成,Certificate Signing Request Generator tools",
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			"description": "此分类是私有链接,你看不到哦。",
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			"2": "在线图片转icon格式",
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			"4": "迅捷在线图片格式转换软件免费版为您免费提供在线图片格式转换,图片转icon,图片转换成icon等免费图片格式转换服务!",
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			"10": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具",
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			"title": "在线图片转icon格式",
			"url": "",
			"description": "迅捷在线图片格式转换软件免费版为您免费提供在线图片格式转换,图片转icon,图片转换成icon等免费图片格式转换服务!",
			"add_time": "1607869485",
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			"category_name": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具"
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			"2": "在线扒站高级版",
			"3": "",
			"4": "动态网页扒站,免费仿站,扒站工具高级版,在线扒站高级版,手机扒站,在线扒站工具,扒站软件,扒网站工具高级版,仿站工具,网站下载器,单页扒站小工具",
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			"7": "0",
			"8": "0",
			"9": "6",
			"10": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具",
			"id": "28",
			"fid": "19",
			"title": "在线扒站高级版",
			"url": "",
			"description": "动态网页扒站,免费仿站,扒站工具高级版,在线扒站高级版,手机扒站,在线扒站工具,扒站软件,扒网站工具高级版,仿站工具,网站下载器,单页扒站小工具",
			"add_time": "1607869040",
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			"weight": "0",
			"property": "0",
			"click": "6",
			"category_name": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具"
			"0": "27",
			"1": "19",
			"2": "NameBeta",
			"3": "",
			"4": "域名比价工具。",
			"5": "1607868954",
			"6": null,
			"7": "0",
			"8": "0",
			"9": "5",
			"10": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具",
			"id": "27",
			"fid": "19",
			"title": "NameBeta",
			"url": "",
			"description": "域名比价工具。",
			"add_time": "1607868954",
			"up_time": null,
			"weight": "0",
			"property": "0",
			"click": "5",
			"category_name": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具"
			"0": "26",
			"1": "19",
			"2": "哪煮米",
			"3": "",
			"4": "哪煮米是一家专业的域名比价平台,提供超过1500种域名后缀,超过50家全球域名注册商的在线比价,一键选到你满意的注册商",
			"5": "1607868904",
			"6": null,
			"7": "0",
			"8": "0",
			"9": "6",
			"10": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具",
			"id": "26",
			"fid": "19",
			"title": "哪煮米",
			"url": "",
			"description": "哪煮米是一家专业的域名比价平台,提供超过1500种域名后缀,超过50家全球域名注册商的在线比价,一键选到你满意的注册商",
			"add_time": "1607868904",
			"up_time": null,
			"weight": "0",
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			"click": "6",
			"category_name": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具"
			"0": "25",
			"1": "19",
			"2": "Domain Availability and Price",
			"3": "",
			"4": "Considering to register, renew or transfer a domain? Check domain name availability and compare domain prices for 714 extensions across 38 providers with Domcomp. You can find cheap domains to buy or get the cheapest price for your desired URL name with up-to-date coupon. Lookup and compare now!",
			"5": "1607868880",
			"6": null,
			"7": "0",
			"8": "0",
			"9": "3",
			"10": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具",
			"id": "25",
			"fid": "19",
			"title": "Domain Availability and Price",
			"url": "",
			"description": "Considering to register, renew or transfer a domain? Check domain name availability and compare domain prices for 714 extensions across 38 providers with Domcomp. You can find cheap domains to buy or get the cheapest price for your desired URL name with up-to-date coupon. Lookup and compare now!",
			"add_time": "1607868880",
			"up_time": null,
			"weight": "0",
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			"category_name": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具"
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			"2": "钻磊二级域名分发",
			"3": "",
			"4": "钻磊二级域名分发(成立于2019-3-2,是一家专门提供二级域名解析分发的平台,域名均免费提供使用,不收取任何费用,提供的域名当中有已备案域名和未备案域名,域名后缀多可自主选择解析,欢迎大家来钻磊域名解析网使用。",
			"5": "1607868853",
			"6": null,
			"7": "0",
			"8": "0",
			"9": "8",
			"10": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具",
			"id": "24",
			"fid": "19",
			"title": "钻磊二级域名分发",
			"url": "",
			"description": "钻磊二级域名分发(成立于2019-3-2,是一家专门提供二级域名解析分发的平台,域名均免费提供使用,不收取任何费用,提供的域名当中有已备案域名和未备案域名,域名后缀多可自主选择解析,欢迎大家来钻磊域名解析网使用。",
			"add_time": "1607868853",
			"up_time": null,
			"weight": "0",
			"property": "0",
			"click": "8",
			"category_name": "<i class=\"fa fa-html5\"></i> 站长工具"
  • code:响应状态码,0代表成功
  • data.fid:父及分类ID
  • data.title:链接标题
  • data.url:链接URL
  • data.add_time:分类添加时间
  • data.up_time:分类修改时间
  • data.weight:分类权重,权重越高,排名越靠前
  • data.description:分类描述


	"code": -1000,
	"err_msg": "Authorization failure!"
  • code:错误码
  • err_msg:错误描述